FUEGO Flamenco does Sargent   (Frontpage)  (Thumbnail Index)
Sargent's El Jaleo
Colette Marie Illarde "La Canela"

From: Colette Illarde
<c mism  d@hotmail.com>  
Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2002  

Hi Natasha 

I'm writing to you again after almost one year....my idea to recreate El Jaleo has come to fruition. We open the show on January 24th [2002]. Below is our press release FYI. I frequently surf your site! I have found the article by Nancy Heller - it is excellent and I would like to write to her. . .  

Looking through the Sargent at Harvard site- I came across a sketch [by Sargent] for El Jaleo: Six Verses of a Spanish Poem/Song "Pelinera"(?) Well, there is a cante jondo (deep song) flamenco form called Peteneras! We are going to open the show with it.  

Again, thanks for the great site. Here's my site www.fuegoflamenco.com 
Colette Marie Illarde  
FUEGO Flamenco  



By:  Natasha Wallace
Copyright 1998-2004 all rights reserved
Created 1/30/2003