Studies for

Sketch for the Joyful Mysteries - Eve(?)

Sketch for the Joyful Mysteries - Drapery

Sketch for the Joyful Mysteries - Eve

Sketch for the Joyful Mysteries - Eve

Sketch for the Joyful Mysteries - Eve

Sketch for the Joyful Mysteries - Figure
at Right

Sketch for the Joyful Mysteries - Gabriel

Sketch for the Joyful Mysteries - Gabriel

Sketch for the Joyful Mysteries, The
Annunciation - The Angel Gabriel

Sketch for the Joyful Mysteries, The
Finding of Our Lord in the Temple
- Drapery Study

Sketch for the Joyful Mysteries - Male
Head and Arm

Sketch for the Joyful Mysteries -
Resurrection, Half Length

Sketch for the Joyful Mysteries - Seated
Man, Reaching Upward

The Coronation of the Virgin

The Coronation of the Virgin |

Sketch for the Glorious Mysteries - Matthew |

Sketch for the Joyful Mysteries, The Coronation of the Virgin |
of the Rosary (full 1)
End: Vaulting )
Singer Sargent
-- American painter
Boston Public Library
Oil on canvas with
Lincrusta-Walton, and papier-mâché reliefs
1094 x 257 cm
(1999 photo)
The mural is
divided into the Joyful Mysteries above and the Sorrowful Mysteries
below. Within this very complex and intricately designed space is packed some
incredibly wonderful pieces of art. I am sorry I can't show you any of
detail here as there are no images available that I know of.
There is the slightly better image of the lower half -- the Sorrowful Mysteries.
Studies related to this are grouped there.
view of South End, Boston Public Library

Sargent Hall
Floor Plan
Public Library
Studies for

Sketch for the Joyful Mysteries, the
Resurrection - Draped Male Figure

Sketch for the Joyful Mysteries, the Mother of God - Draped Figure |

Sketch for the Joyful Mysteries, The Coronation of the Virgin - Figure
at Right |

Sketch for the Joyful Mysteries, the Resurrection - Right Shoulder, Arm
and Hand |

Sketch for the Joyful Mysteries, The Annunciation - The Virgin |

Sketch for the Joyful Mysteries, The Annunciation - The Virgin's
Drapery |

Sketch for the Joyful Mysteries, The Visitation - Drapery |

Sketch for the Joyful Mysteries - The Virgin |

Sketch for the Joyful Mysteries, The Nativity |

Sketch for the Joyful Mysteries, The Nativity - Angel with Crown of
Thorns |

Sketch for the Joyful Mysteries, The Nativity - Three Studies of an
Infant |

Sketch for the Joyful Mysteries, the Finding of our Lord in the Temple |

Sketch for the Joyful Mysteries, The Finding of our Lord in the Temple
- Virgin and Child |

Sketch for the Joyful Mysteries, The Finding of our Lord in the Temple
- Virgin and Child |

Sketch for the Joyful Mysteries, The Finding of our Lord in the Temple
- Virgin and Child |

Sketch for the Joyful
Mysteries, Ceiling Study |

Sketch for the Joyous Mysteries - Drapery for Gabriel |