John Singer Sargent's Prophets on East Wall: Micah, Haggai, Malacchi, Zecharia (Frontpage)  (more on the murals at the BPL)  (Thumbnails Index)  (What's New)  (Refer This Site)

jpg: still from live camera feed
jpg: still from live camera feed
jpg: still from live camera feed

Prophets: Micah, Haggai, Malacchi, Zecharia
(North End, East Wall)
John Singer Sargent -- American painter 
Boston Public Library Murals
Jpg: artmuseums.harvard 

Frieze of Prophets

John's friend, Peter Harrison was the model for Malacchi (third from the left). 

Step Back

Frieze of Prophets 

The Israelites Oppressed  lunette and Frieze of the Prophets  
(North End) 

General view of North End, Sargent Hall, Boston Public Library

Sargent Hall
Floor plan

Boston Public Library 


Giovanni Boldini
(1845 -1931) Italian-French portrait painter

Portrait of the Artist: Lawrence Alexander "Peter" Harrison
(model for Malacchi)


By: Natasha Wallace
Copyright 1998-2006 all rights resersed
Created 3/7/2003
Updated 03/24/2017

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