If you have a historical website on a family member that Sargent painted, or on an artist who knew Sargent or on a person related to Sargent in any fashion or manner and want to be included in a Web-Ring of Arts between the years 1856 and 1925 (Sargent’s life) I am interested in starting a Web-Ring.
These are my requirements:
1) The person your website is about must be linked at least in a small way to Sargent (it doesn’t have to be a strong linkage just a thread is fine -- they painted within a mile of each other is good enough for me)
2) It can be about art, about family history (of people he painted or his family) about places Sargent visited (or anything you might think of interest to people reading about Sargent.
3) The nature of the net changes constantly. If you don’t have a domain-name such as “Monet.com”, then I request that you set up an introductory page at one of the free webservers (such as tripod.lycos.com, or Yahoo ) so your site can just stay anchored there in perpetuity and you can then move, change servers, changes addresses, do what ever you want with the body of your site and I will always be linked to you through your introductory page (that is, if you keep it updated). If you need help with this, write me. University sites set up by professors are the exception since they seem to be more stable (I’m talking about the site address, not necessarily the people <wink>)