John Singer Sargent's Edith French (Frontpage)  (Thumbnail Index)  (What's New)

Edith French
John Singer Sargent -- American painter 
Private collection
Oil on canvas
24 x 18 in.
Inscribed ul JSS
 Jpg: Spanierman Gallery

The general consensus is that she was a model in Sargent's studio around 1901 and that Julie Heynman, a student of Sargent at the time, was also the first owner of this painting (McKibbin Papers, quoted in Ormond and Kilmurray, the Late r Portraits: The Undated portraits p.3)

As of 7/17/2004 the painting was offered for sale at Spanierman Gallery

  • See the year in review 1901 

John Sinegr Sargent Virtual Gallery
By:  Natasha Wallace
Copyright 1998-2004 all rights reserved
Created 7/17/2004
Updated 07/17/2004