John Singer Sargent's Earl of Wemyss and March
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Smaller but clearer image
Earl of Wemyss and March
John Singer Sargent -- American painter
c. 1908
Private collection
 Jpg: Friend of the JSS Gallery

The Earl of Wemyss and March


Special thanks to Matt Davies, of Kansas City, a friend of the JSS Gallery, for sending me a note regarding this image. 

From John Sargent, 1927, by the Hon. Evan Charteris (published by Charles Scribner's Sons).  (Charteris was one of the Souls,
and knew Sargent well.)


Philip Alexius de Laszlo

The Earl of Wemyss and March
(Black and white image)

From: Matt Davies
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2002

I am guessing this would be c.1908 as well (based on a de Laszlo portrait of the Earl which I have seen, which was also painted in 1908).

1916, Royal Society of Portrait Painters, hosted at the Grafton Galleries, London. Opened June, 1916.

  • See the year in review  1908


By:  Natasha Wallace
Copyright 1998-2005 all rights reserved
Created 10/11/2002