John Singer Sargent's Peter A. B. Widener 1902 (Frontpage)  (Thumbnail Index)  (What's New)  (Refer This Site)


Peter A. B. Widener 1902
John Singer Sargent -- American painter 
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Oil on canvas
148.9 x 98.4 cm (58 5/8 x 38 3/4 in.)
Widener Collection

 Jpg: National Gallery

Painted in Sargent's Tite Street studio in London.

From: The National Gallery

During the Civil War, Peter Arrell Brown Widener (1834-1915) was a tradesman who supplied meat to the Union Army near Philadelphia. Following the war, he successfully invested his profits in trolley cars and public transit systems. He collected in the princely tradition; antique furniture, tapestries, and decorative arts created a palatial setting for his Old Master paintings and sculpture. Widener also set an important precedent for other American collectors by acquiring the works of Edouard Manet and Auguste Renoir when these artists were still considered daringly avant-garde. P. A. B. Widener left the family collection in trust to his son, Joseph, for eventual donation to a public museum.
National Gallery)

The following year he would paint another one of Peter.

Peter A B Widener


National Gallery of Art

John Sinegr Sargent Virtual Gallery
By:  Natasha Wallace
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Created 2/3/2005