Harry Furniss: The Strong Woman  (Frontpage) (Thumbnail Index)   (What's New)  (Refer This Site )
Ena and Betty, Daughters of Asher and Mrs. Wertheimer
The Strong Woman
The Strong Woman
Caricature of Sargent's Ena and Betty, Daughters of Asher and Mrs. Wertheimer featured in The Sketch magazine, May 8, 1901, called "Rough Jottings at the Royal Academy"
Harry Furniss
jpg: androsdance.tripod
more caricatures 

Harry Furniss 
"Rough Jottings at the Royal Academy" 
The Sketch magazine 
Special thanks to Matt Davies, of Kansas City, a friend of the JSS Gallery, for sending me a note regarding this image 


By:  Natasha Wallace
Copyright 1998-2002 all rights reversed
Created 8/20/2002