John Singer Sargent Catalogue of Works  (Frontpage)
By:  Natasha Wallace 
Copyright 1998-2006 all rights reserved 
Created 11/20/2001 
Updated 2/22/2006
Catalogue of Works
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There are two listings you can search. Currently I don't have it set up for a search that discriminates between my entire site and the two Catalogues.  

The works in oil will be listed as "Works in oil prepared by the The Pragmatic Romanticist" and the The Smithsonian American Art Museum's Inventory of American Paintings as "Smithsonian Catalogue of Work."

The Works in Oil compiled by Charles Merrill Mount in his book "John Singer Sargent: A Biography;" 1955; edited for the web by The Pragmatic Romanticist.  

Containing 509 records

The Smithsonian American Art Museum's Inventory of American Paintings
.  For a quick listing of names and owners pertaining to "John Singer Sargent" look here

Containing 1,024 records