Photo Pauline Astor 1904  (Frontpage) (Thumbnail Index)  (What's New)
Pauline Astor
photograph by Alice Hughes, London
Munsey's Magazine
Jpg: Friend of the JSS Gallery

From: Matt Davies
Date: Sat, 10 Sep 2005

As you can tell, I'm on an art kick again. I know along some of the Sargent works you have posted photographs of the sitters as additional documentation. With that in mind:

This photograph appeared in a 1904 issue of Munsey's Magazine and is captioned "MIss Pauline Astor, the only daughter of William Waldorf Astor, the American millionaire who renounced the United States to become a British subject.

John Singer Sargent

Pauline Astor 
c. 1898 

Special thanks to Matt Davies, of Kansas City, a friend of the JSS Gallery, for sending us this image.


By:  Natasha Wallace
Copyright 1998-2005 all rights reserved
Created 9/11/2005