Bronze Jpg: Philip Greenspun The Four Horses of St. Mark’s, stand over the main entrance of the church (above the Gothic addition). The only existing specimen of an ancient Roman quadriga, or monumental four-horse chariot. It is said that they may have origanlly adorned a Roman triumphal arch. Found in Constantinople in 1204, they were brought back to Venice. But in order to transport them aboard ship, they cut the heads off then cast collars to hide the cuts back in Venice. In 1797, The republic of Venice found
itself caught between the powers of the French and the Austrians. Bonaparte
defeated the Austrians and then went after the Republic of Venice which
fell quickly. Napoleon carried the Four Horses off to Paris but in 1815
the horses were returned to Venice.
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Created 10/4/16/2000
Updated 2/21/2003