Alfred Gilbert's Shaftesbury Memorial "Eros"   (Frontpage)  (Thumbnail Index)  (What's New)

Alfred Gilbert's Shaftesbury Memorial
The Angel of Christian Charity "Eros"
Piccadilly Circus in London
 Photograph taken by Chris Croome

The Angel of Christian Charity "Eros"
Piccadilly Circus in London
 Photograph taken by Michael Reeve, 21 May 2004

Piccadilly Circus, 1896.
rom The Queen's London

Shaftesbury Memorial
in Piccadilly circus, London
Alfred Gilbert , R. A. (1854-1934)
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Alfred Gilbert's most well known work was completed in 1893. John Singer Sargent would take a studio near Gilbert's in 1895.

John Singer Sargent's Studio
The Avenue, Fulham Road



By:  Natasha Wallace
Copyright 1998-2005 all rights reserved
Created 3/24/2005
Updated 03/24/2017

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