Phineas Paist's Fountain Painting   (Frontpage)  (More on Phineas Paist)  (Thumbnail Index) (What's New)

Fountain Painting
Phineas Paist - American Architect, painter
Private collection

Jpg: Michael Turbeville

From:  Michael Turbeville
t ur
Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2005

The fountain watercolor  by Paist, I believe was done in Miami, as I have  other schemes for buildings, fountains, pavillions, interiors, homes which may or may not have been built in
Coral Gables on the same type board in aprox. the same size which are marked Paist & Steward

Special thanks to Michael Turbeville, a friend of the JSS Gallery,  for sending us this image of a watercolor.


By:  Natasha Wallace
Copyright 1998-2005 all rights reserved
Created 9/3/2005