Queen Victoria Eugenia of Spain
and mother
Jpg: Luke Tristan
From: Luke
On the
left is Queen Victoria Eugenia of Spain. On the right is her
mother, Princess Beatrice of Great Britain (aka Princess Henry of
Battenburg). Perhaps your eyesight is better than mine, I can't
make out the date under the De Lazlo signatures.
I enjoy your site very much
With respect to the two
pen and ink drawings of Queen Ena of Spain and
her mother, Princess Beatrice of Great Britain, I was not aware until
recently that the drawings were actually made into half length
The half length
completed color portrait of Queen Ena is here and it is
I haven't located the
half length colete portrait of Princess Beatrice
yet, however, this is a black and white pic of it when it was unveiled
by Queen Mary of Great Britain and Princess Beatrice's daughter in law,
the Marchioness of Carisbrooke, after Princess Beatrices death.
Interesting historical artifact.
Special thanks
to Luke Tristan, a friend
of the JSS Gallery, for the link to this painting.

black and white pic when it was unveiled
by Queen Mary of Great Britain and Princess Beatrice's daughter in law,
the Marchioness of Carisbrooke, after Princess Beatrices death.