John Singer Sargent's Portrait of the Hon Charles Alfred Lister "Mug"
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Portrait of the Hon Charles Alfred Lister "Mug" 
John Singer Sargent -- American painter  
Private collection 
 11 x 8  in. 
The  Hon. Charles Alfred Lister, son of Lord Ribblesdale whom Sargent painted in 1902. The drawing was reproduced as the frontispiece of the book which Ribblesdale later wrote as a memorial after Charles was killed in World War I: "Charles Lister: Letters and Recollections with a Memoir by his Father" (1917). 

On the tissue guard covering the frontispiece drawing, it reads:

    "Charles Lister, Gisburne, August, 1899. When Mr. Sargent was paying a visit at Gisburne, he was impressed by a fidelity to type conspicuous in this mid-seventeenth century portrait and the Charles Lister of 1899. This accounts for the background of his drawing."

Lord Ribblesdale's home at Gisburn

Lord Ribblesdale
(Father to Charles Lister)



Offered but not sold by Christies; 12/4/1996; Lot 78; estimated $15,000-$25,000 


  • See the year in review 1899

By:  Natasha Wallace
Copyright 1998-2003 all rights reserved
Created 2/6/2001
Updated 09/15/2003