Photo of Dr. Samuel Jean Pozzi Medal  (Frontpage) (Thumbnail Index)  (What's New)

Dr. Samuel Jean Pozzi Medal
Jpg: Friend of the JSS Gallery

Dr. Samuel Jean Pozzi

From: Francesca Miller 
<fra   ncesca. mi>
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2004 

I have a photo of the medals Dr. Sam was awarded by the French Medical Society.  Strangely, a copy of the medal was sold on Ebay and was snapped up as soon as it was offered.

also see:

Pozzi - medal

John Singer Sargent

Dr. Samuel Jean Pozzi at Home

Special thanks to Francesca Miller, of the US, friend of the JSS Gallery, for letting me know about this images.


By:  Natasha Wallace
Copyright 1998-2005 all rights reserved
Created 7/6/2004