John Singer Sargent's Achilles and Chiron
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Achilles and Chiron
(Black and white image)
John Singer Sargent -- American painter

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Rotunda Bas-Relief
Raised painted plaster

Francis Bartlett Fund (Donation of 1912)
Jpg: MFA

Sargent ended up doing two versions of this composition, although both are of significantly different mediums. The first (featured above) was part of a base Bas-Relief for the Rotunda and was of raised painted plaster. The second (Thumbnail below) was later created for the Stairway Ceiling Decorations and was oil on canvas.

Chiron and Achilles

Rotunda Dome Decorations
Looking straight up 

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston




By:  Natasha Wallace
Copyright 1998-2005 all rights reserved
Created 7/7/2005