John Singer Sargent's Cross-section Photo at x250, showing paint applied wet-in-wet for Ena Wertheimer's lips (Frontpage)  (Thumbnail Index)  (What's New)

The best example I can show you of Sargent's wet-in-wet work would be:

close-up of Breakfast In The Loggia
For wet-in-wet see hands
(Photo by Andy Holzopfel)

Cross-section Photo at x250, showing paint applied wet-in-wet for Ena Wertheimer's lips
John Singer Sargent -- American painter 
Fig. 11
 John Singer Sargent's later portraits The Artist's technique and materials; Jacqueline Ridge and Joyce Townsend; Apollo Vol. 148, Issue 439 (1998) pp. 23-30
 Jpg: local

(Editor's note -- The image here is very poor and from my poor quality copy of the article - hoping someone can send me a better one)



By:  Natasha Wallace
Copyright 1998-2004 all rights reserved
Created 3/2/2004
Updated 08/04/2004

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