Statue of Liberty Interior Support    (Frontpage)  (What's New)  (Thumbnails Index)  (Refer This Site)
Statue of Liberty Interior Support 
Jpg: Library of Congress



The copper plates which make up the sculpture of the Statue of Liberty hang like clothing on a skeleton of iron, which resembles, not too unlike, a radio or television tower. 


A copy of the Statue of Liberty (much smaller, of course) is in a park in Paris. It stands in memory of the gift the people of France to the people of the United States. In the background is the tower which Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel built for the Exposition Universal, Paris, in 1889.  

The knowledge of "Lady Liberty" was clearly in the minds of French critics when they condemned Eiffel's tower as just being a framework with no skin.  



By:  Natasha Wallace
Copyright 1998-2003 all rights reversed
Created 12/28/2000
Updated 1/23/2003