John Singer Sargent's Mrs. Douglas Dick
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Mrs. Douglas Dick
(Isabelle Parrott)
Private collection 
Oil on canvas
63 x 36 in. 
Signed and dated 
Jpg: choyeung
Jpg: webshots

Brigadier Archibald Campbell Douglas
(husband to Isabelle)


Sold Christie's; 12/3/1993; Lot 46; $772,500 


From:  Kate Burke
Ka te. Bur
Date:  Fri, 21 Jan 2005

Thanks for such a fantastic website.  I was searching the internet for my great-great grandparents and found paintings of them here.  Mrs Douglas-Dick (Isabelle Parrott) and Brigadier General Archibald Douglas-Dick of Pitkerro. Finding those paintings was so exciting!  I am only just beginning to piece together my ancestry.  I am beginning to find out that it is a long process.

The little I do know about them is this; my great-great grandmother was born in 1863, Isabelle Parrott, daughter of John Parrott, a Virginian banker and merchant.  She is related to Tubercio Parrott who built the house featured on Falcon Crest the TV Series (I have been able to confirm this through pictures in a book called 'John Parrott').  She married Brigadier Archibald Douglas-Dick in 1883 and bore one son and six daughters and they lived at Pitkerro Castle in Scotland.  The paintings were commissioned by Mrs. Dick's mother.  Unfortunately, as the book is all about the Parrott side of the family I have little knowledge of my great-great grandfather

Your question prompted me to flick through the book 'John Parrott' and a page fell out.  It is a photocopied page from a book called 'American Pictures' which is the painting of Mrs. Douglas-Dick as shown on your website.  Attached to that page was a letter to my grandmother from the United States Information Service giving  her details of the American Pictures Foundation - so it seems she was on the same quest for information as I am.  That letter was dated 1997 - you can imagine that it took months of letter writing to get that information and it took me 15 minutes on the internet! What my grandmother didn't find was the painting of Brig. Douglas Dick as it was untraced at the time she was making her enquiries.

I hope this is of use to you and thanks for making my search that much easier.





By:  Natasha Wallace
Copyright 1998-2005 all rights reserved
Created 1/28/2001