John Singer Sargent's  Scuola di San Rocco (Frontpage)  (Thumbnail Index)  (More on Venice)  (What's New)

 Scuola di San Rocco
Private collection
Watercolor on paper
35.6 x 50.8
 Jpg: Pragmatic Romanticist

The watercolor appears to be the canal side of San Rocco

Campo Behind the Scuola di San Racco, Venice
c. 1880-82

Campo di San Rocco



Sargent and Italy, 2002-2003


From: Craig Appel
<ab te>
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2003 

I think the canal depicted must have been interrata, that is, filled in, sometime after 1903, because I don't believe there is today a "canal side" of the Scuola.

From:  Chris Register 
<cre gis> 
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 2004

I was recently in Venice, and there is a canal side to the Scuola di San Rocco, and it is quite possible to see exactly where JSS must have been to paint this watercolor. All research suggests he was in a gondola at the time of the painting, but there are several windows in a building across the canal which would give the same vantage point. Anyway, as of last week, the canal was not filled in, and it is still possible to see exactly Sargent's view. Little seems to have changed.


C. Register

By:  Natasha Wallace
Copyright 1998-2004 all rights reserved
Created 11/22/2000
Updated 9/1/2004