Photo of Robert André-Michel  (Frontpage) (Thumbnail Index)  (What's New)
Photo of Robert André-Michel
Husband to Rose-Marie Ormond

Robert André-Michel (1884-1914) married Rose-Marie in 1913. Only a year later he left for the front during World War I. Robert was killed in action October 13, 1914. He would have been 30 years old when he died.  

Rose-Marie Ormond  
(later Madame Robert André-Michel)  

So aparently, from what Ross tells me in his letter (see Rose-Marie), both Robert and Rose-Marie were amature art historians. Hey, I'm liking this couple more all the time. 

Special thanks to Ross Caldwell, a Canadian living in France and friend of the JSS Gallery, for sending me this image. 

It comes from "Avignon: Les Fresques du Palais des Papes" published 1920 by Armand Colin. Introduction by M. André Hallays. 


By:  Natasha Wallace
Copyright 1998-2004 all rights reserved
Created 11/14/2002
Updated 8/19/2004