and World History -- Year In Context
large part, dates are from
1880's 80 81 82 838485 86 87 8889
1881- Auguste Rodin creates "The Thinker"
08 05 1880 Gustave Flaubert, French novelist and author of "Madame Bovary", died
27 06 1880 Helen Keller born in Alabama
29 06 1880 Tahiti was annexed by France
04 11 1880 The first cash register was patented
?? ?? 1881 Booker T. Washington opens Tuskegee Institute for blacks1882
31 01 1881 Irving Langmuir invents the tungsten filament lamp
27 02 1881 British are defeated by the Boers at the battle of Majuba, South Africa
04 03 1881 James A. Garfield became 20th President
13 03 1881 Czar Alexander II of Russia was assassinated with a bomb
18 03 1881 Barnum & Bailey's Greatest Show on Earth opens in Madison Square Garden in New York City
21 05 1881 the American Red Cross was founded
02 07 1881 At 9 am President Garfield was shot in a railroad station in Washington
25 10 1881 Pablo Picasso, artist, born in Malaga, Spain
26 10 1881 Shootout at the OK corral, in Tombstone, Arizona
19 04 1882 Charles Darwin died1883
03 02 1882 Jesse James, the notorious bank robber is shot in the head and killed (chronology of Jesse James)
30 09 1882 The first US hydroelectric power plant was opened in Appleton Wisconson. A single dynamo of 180 lights each of ten candle power was erected
1884- Boston show of Claude Monet works has lasting effect on American Impressionists
- Treasure Island, by Robert Louis Stevenson, published.
- Louis Waterman begins experiments that invent the fountain pen
- Karl Marx died
- Construction begins in Chicago on the 1st skyscraper1885
18 02 1885 Mark Twain's "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" was published
21 02 1885 Washington Monument was dedicated
06 07 1885 1st inoculation (for rabies) of a human being, by Louis Pasteur
07 11 1885 Canada completes its own transcontinental railway
01 01 1886 England conquers Burma1887
29 01 1886 Karl Friedrich Benz patents the first petrol driven motor car
21 03 1886 Geronimo was captured29 03 1886 Coca-Cola was created
06 04 1886 Vancouver, BC was founded by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company
04 05 1886 The Haymarket riots
31 08 1886 The first recorded major earthquake in U.S. history rocked Charleston, S.C., killing up to 110 people
04 09 1886 Geronimo surrenders all Apache nations
14 09 1886 the typewriter ribbon was patented
28 10 1886 Statue of Liberty was dedicated on Bedloe's Island
04 01 1887 The first around the world bicycle trip1888
21 06 1887 The annexation of Zululand by the British
07 07 1887 Marc Chagall, the painter, was born in Russia
08 11 1887 Doc Holliday, notorious dentist of the Old West, died
11 11 1887 Haymarket rioters hanged
13 11 1887 Bloody Sunday occurs in Trafalgar Square, London as Socialist and Irish demonstrators fought
15 11 1887 Georgia O'Keeffe, Southwestern artist, was born
29 11 1887 US receives rights to Pearl Harbor, on Oahu, Hawaii
03 01 1888 1st drinking straw was patented1889
07 08 1888 The revolving door was patented
31 08 1888 Mary Ann Nichols becomes the first victim of Jack the Ripper
04 09 1888 George Eastman patents 1st roll film camera & registers "Kodak"
09 11 1888 last victim of Jack the Ripper died
?? ?? 1889 Indian Territory becomes Oklahoma Territory, thrown open to landrushersNext
08 01 1889 Herman Hollerith patents first data processing computer31 03 1889 The Eiffel Tower was officially opened in Paris
22 04 1889 Oklahoma opened by land run
31 05 1889 Johnstown Flood
08 07 1889 Vol 1, No 1, of "The Wall Street Journal" published
06 10 1889 The cabaret, the Moulin Rouge opens its doors in Paris
06 10 1889 Thomas Edison shows his first motion picture
02 11 1889 North Dakota becomes the 39th state
02 11 1889 South Dakota becomes the 40th state
08 11 1889 Montana becomes the 41st state
11 11 1889 Washington admitted as the 42nd state
14 11 1889 Nellie Bly beats Phineas Fogg's time for a trip around the world by 8 days (72 days)
updated 6/29/2004