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Questions Since June of 2004
Paintings - General  . . . 
Subject: Sargent's Library, has the contents been documented? 
From:  Karen Goodchild 
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 2004 

I wonder if anyone knows the contents of Sargent's library--was it ever documented?

I have  a hunch about the Carrara trip, but I don't want to share it until I can further verify it. Finally--did Sargent write any poetry?
Thanks Karen


From: Natasha

The contents of Sargent's letters have not been catalogued or published. They are scattered over a number of institutions, as I understand it.

Richard Ormond, a leading authority, writes that his personal letters are not very revealing of the man, and deal primarily with the business of moving his paintings around for exhibition (for example) and general business dealings; as well as being extremely difficult to read -- see an example

The Fog Museum or the Museum of Fine Arts, both in Boston, might be a good place to inquire further.

Anyone else know?

Subject: Did Sargent write any poetry?
From:  Karen Goodchild 
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 2004 
From: Natasha

Sargent did not publish any poetry and no known unpublished poetry, as far as I know. 

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Copyright 1999-2004 Natasha Wallace all rights reserved
Updated 06/10/2004